
11 Biggest Backyard Landscaping Mistakes

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11 Biggest Backyard Landscaping Mistakes in Sacramento

Landscaping Mistakes in Sacramento

Let’s face it landscaping isn’t exactly rocket science but it does require some knowledge and expertise to avoid mistakes. We all know what “mistakes” really means; more money! Here are eleven of the biggest backyard landscaping Sacramento mistakes by both landscape contractors and DIY’ers alike.

  1. No Plan Before You Start-If you decided to build a new home today from the ground up you wouldn’t hire a general contractor and tell him “go buy some lumber and nails and build me a home”. Wouldn’t you want someone to draw you a plan so that you can visually get an idea of what your home will look like. The same is true with your landscape, the best yards began with a landscape design.
  2. Shortsightedness-Most people do not always understand growth rates of all plantings, some plants that start as little 8-inch cute little plants can grow into huge “plant monsters” that take over yards, other plants and points of interest.
  3. Forgetting How The Yard Will Be Utilized-Thinking about how every member of the family (including the pets) will use the yard is often times overlooked. Keep in mind infrastructure, access for a future pool and gas/electrical lines that are needed later yet you’ve covered the area with expensive stamped concrete.
  4. *Contractor Mistake* Your Dry Stacked Rock Should Vary In Size– Unfortunately, this looks like a pile of rocks dumped on someone’s property. Start with larger boulders on the bottom and vary the size throughout the wall.
  5. That Plant Doesn’t Belong There-improper plant placement will always kill the overall appearance of your Sacramento landscape over time. Growth rates, sun exposure and water needs will always determine location.
  6. Maintenance, Maintenance, Maintenance-Let’s dispel the myth there is no such thing as a maintenance free yard. If you don’t have the time to take care of your yard make sure you save enough money to pay for weekly gardening service.
  7. Too Much Garden Art-Be careful of too many yard ornaments can be distracting. A garden gnome or two strategically placed can be whimsical but a battalion scattered can be downright scary.
  8. *Contractor Mistake* Are You Color Blind?-Drainage is always an important aspect of any backyard landscaping project, but a green cap that is typically installed in lawn areas seems…lazy!
  9. Who’s Afraid Of The Dark?-Unfortunately, most people think about their yard when looking at it during the daytime. By adding low-voltage landscape lighting you can get more enjoyment from your Sacramento landscape.
  10. Irrational Watering-This thought can be tied back to maintenance, but as a whole we water too much. Most lawns need an inch of water a week, now obviously when there are consecutive days of 95+ degrees of weather your lawn will need more water. A complete irrigation system controlled by an automatic timer is the best practice.
  11. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall-Think about how you want your landscape to look throughout the seasons not just the season when you buy your plants. Deciduous trees and perennials look great in the spring and summer but don’t leave your yard bare with no life in the winter.

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