Tips for Creating the Perfect Cottage Garden in Your Yard

Cottage gardens are alluring places that are replete with flowers, roses, and lilacs. They were first planted by British laborers who had little land and no time for flowers. Because they needed food for their families and herbs to treat illnesses, they planted vegetables, fruit, and herbs sprinkled with a few flowers to ward off bugs. With the help of top Sacramento landscape design contractors, you can create the exact vibes in your front yard, too. Here is how to do it.
Critical Element of Cottage Gardens: Romantic Tone
Cottage gardens usually have a romantic tone, either because of the pastel shades or the fragrant flowers. Flowers like old roses and peonies scent the air while also adding a touch of sumptuous sensuality. The top Sacramento landscape design contractors will use many plants in cottage gardens, which may include lavender, pink roses, etc. The plants are chosen such that they are easy to grow and tolerate some drought.
Enclosing the Cottage Garden
Since cottage gardens are small, the look of the surrounding fence matters a lot. Picket fences, lattice fences, and trellis fences are popular for cottage gardens as they support flowering vines like wisteria, climbing roses, and clematis. A traditional favorite is the picket fence, which also comes in many variations. Also, you may use any color of your choice for your cottage garden fence.
Plant Close and Keep the Soil Healthy
Traditionally, cottage gardens have plant beds by the house packed tight with plants. This is a signature feature of cottage gardens, which includes a wide variety of plants and a mix of perennial and annual flowers along with vegetables and foliage plants twinning around each other. Competition for attention is what makes cottage gardens so attractive.
Make sure that you add good, rich, and organic soil to ensure that overflowing plant beds look great, and plants stay healthy. Also, incorporate plenty of compost into the soil and use compost, fish emulsion fertilizer, or tea. Cover the soil with mulch, as it is important for maintaining soil moisture, improving soil as it breaks down, and keeping the temperature steady.
Curving Pathways
Soft and curving paths are critical features of cottage-style gardens as they add to the feeling of ‘home’ and invite people to explore further. You can use hard surfacing like brick or bluestone or a combination of old bricks, stone, and tile. Spot paving, like gravel and wood chips, may also work well. However, ensure that the walkway is edged to hold these materials.
Mix and Match
When creating a cottage garden, it is not necessary to follow any kind of theory. Anything goes well when it comes to cottage gardens. You can combine deep reds with ever-blooming lavender. Go for plants with exceptional heat tolerance that bloom throughout the summer and can grow easily among the roses.
Use Fun Elements
You can add items that delight you in a garden and share your vision with others. You may also add lanterns, tools, stone finials, and other fun elements to your cottage garden.
One thing that dictates the design of a cottage garden is not to follow the rules and to be free with your imagination. Cottage gardens are meant to delight and appeal to your taste.
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