
History of Xersicape

 In Drought Tolerant Landscaping, Landscaping Sacramento

CA Landscaping: Xeriscape


First emerging in the early 80’s xeriscaping was coined by the Denver Water Board as a way of cutting down water use during droughts. Xeriscape is a combination of the Greek word “xeros” and English word landscape which combine is supposed to mean…dry landscape… Or no landscape. It takes away the use of water, or at least, diminishes it in order to conserve natural resources. Unfortunately, this name can be deceptive. Many people imagine that a xeriscaping lawn means that their Sacramento home will feature a lone cactus and various forms of tumble weeds. Despite this Wild West misconception. Xeriscaping has begun to really grow over its thirty year lifespans and we know it’s because having a xeriscape can mean a whole bunch of different unique landscape ideas.

Xeriscaping Landscaping in Sacramento

Form and function come together when you hire an inspired xeriscape designer. They are able to provide you with a lush and overflowing lawn while making water less necessary on the more practical side. The real success of xersicape is on the focus on details and other landscape alternative. The thing that makes xeriscape a flourishing and viable landscaping option is its dedication to using those little details to make a less green landscape more vibrant. You can have a positive effect on your lawn and your Sacramento water conservation needs by simply ensuring that you switch to a xeriscape, or xeriscaping inspired landscape design today.

Folsom Landscape: drought Resistant

The unique part of the development of landscape design using xeriscaping is that the new types of landscapes are never finished. Designers in the Folsom and Sacramento area are always pushing the limits to use new materials like flagstone and new dirt and plants to create landscapes that work well with a water budget and also create a more prominent landscaping precedent for everyone to go drought tolerant. Working together to create landscape design that is both functional and enjoyable will help to conserve what little is left of Folsom lake but also keep growing the history of xeriscaping. When there is a crisis, it takes brilliant people to make a solution, fortunately for us, there already is a solution for water conservation seen in drought tolerant design like xeriscaping.

Xeriscaping was created to promote eco-friendly gardening. Sustainable landscaping is the future of beautiful landscapes with issues like droughts and extreme heat. Take over the landscape design problems today with a xeriscape option. We can promote a healthy and vibrant landscape without breaking the bank in water bills.

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