
What To Look for In A Xeriscape Design?

 In Landscaping Sacramento

Xeriscaping is an excellent way to reduce your water bills and contribute to water conservation. It is a perfect solution, especially for those who live in drier places. So, if you are planning to xeriscape your front yard, make sure that your landscape design in Sacramento has the following fundamental elements.


Naturally drought resistant plants are the characteristic of a xeriscape design, as they are an excellent alternative for a lawn-free landscape design in Sacramento. The main strategy here is to utilize native plants that are already perfectly adapted to thrive on local rainfall. Such plants require no extra water in summer or much care in winter. A few exotic species from other cold, humid regions may also do equally well. Make sure that the landscape designer has combined plants with similar water demands. Also, remember that many plants that are drought resistant in their natural habitat may find it difficult to adapt to these conditions.


Irrigation is an essential aspect of xeriscaping. The main principle of xeriscape design is a low-pressure, drip irrigation system designed to deliver water to the root zone and nowhere else. Also, deep watering is crucial to lure the roots downward, venture deep to find moisture when the surface soil is dry, and train plants to root beyond their original pot-shaped root ball. The drip system in the xeriscape design should remain in place and ensure that the plant is sufficiently hydrated to survive and bloom. Proper irrigation allows deciduous species to retain enough foliage to remain attractive during dry seasons.


Most drought-resistant plants are often found on hillsides; cliff faces, and in sandy, gravelly ground, mostly around dry washes, as they have evolved to root very deeply to reach moisture during the dry season. Their growth may be stunted if planted in heavy clay. Hence, proper soil conditions are important with xeriscapes, as the plant may fail to reach its optimal level of drought resistance.


Mulch is the organic or mineral material spread on top of the ground to make conditions more favorable for plants. It helps prevent moisture from evaporating from the soil’s surface, and the soil’s shade does not heat up in the summer. Mulch also prevents weed growth that may compete with landscape plants for limited water.


Keep in mind that all xeriscapes do not look like southwestern deserts. Xeriscape designs can be used to create the feel of a European garden, formal French style, or a rural Tuscan feel. Drought-resistant plants can lend character and color to virtually any theme or style. You can request your landscape designer to find a drought-resistant alternative to water-loving trees or shrubs.

The Bottom Line

If you are planning a xeriscape, make sure that you research local native species that are used for landscaping, along with the various imported species from dry climates around the world. This can be the perfect way to make your home eco-friendly and create a landscape that contributes to water conservation.

Featured Image Source: https://media.istockphoto.com/id/935097076/photo/landscape-architect-design-backyard-plan-for-villa.jpg?b=1&s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=ATCJ2yVjgyfQInYTRjIbSqY2ztodCmUgtHzT-ElXM8Q=

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